When life gets in the way of not-life

I’ve always said that I don’t have a life.

The past few weeks, however, have proved me wrong.

I’ve been thrust into multiple social gatherings, and it’s exhausting.

I’m used to sitting in my room and not moving for days, but lately I haven’t even gotten an opportunity to just do…nothing.

It’s exhausting – I don’t know how everyone else does it.

Trying something.

I outlined my novel using a new method (or, at least, new to me) and I honestly think some of the results are kind of funny.

Like the one sentence summary – which goes a little like this:

A techy female gets pulled from her home and thrust into a world of human testing – she doesn’t like what she is made to do, ends up taking the side of the subjects.


I guess now would be a good time to say that I pretty much have no idea what I am writing – even though I outlined it.

Either way, it’s going to be a fun ride.


I finally finished my finals. Huzzah! I guess this means I won’t have any excuses not to write, right? (even though I’ll probably find a thousand excuses by tomorrow). This weekend is going to be hell. Same with next weekend and the weekend after – so I may or may not have any posts on here. Depends on if I schedule any or not.

Till next time.

In the Works

I’ve been working on a novel for the past week (hopefully I’ll actually get this one finished!!). Just created the first draft of the cover. Part of me likes it. Part of me doesn’t. Such is life.

Amazing adventure stories sharedby true historians of architecture.png



So, have you ever had the urge to stalk someone on social media?

If so, today is your lucky day (providing that it is me who you would like to stalk).

If you want to see what I spend most of my free time doing, hop on tumblr and give me a follow (http://abysmallee.tumblr.com/).

On there, you’ll find a whole pile of things that I think are funny – but probably aren’t. You’ll also see the occasional social update or rant!

Happy tumblr-ing!

(‘tumblr-ing’ is a thing…right?)

Re-finding things.

So, for the past almost-year I’ve managed to completely forget that I created a website. I can’t help but feel horrible – as this is no way to raise a proper website. Hopefully, I’ll be more active on here.

I really hope I learn to use this site to the best of my ability. As of now, though, I’m kind of just flying by the seat of my pants, while holding on to a cup of hot chocolate for dear life! Always been kind of a pantser – despite my ever-growing anxiety. You’d think that with an abundance of anxiety I’d be less likely to fly by the seat and more likely to plan…but I guess not.

Well, I guess that’s all….


Write you later!

It’s been a while….

It feels like I haven’t written anything aside from a short review or a rant in years (though it’s probably only been a few months).

I should probably start typing again – but what should I type?!

There are at least 3 of my stories that I want to continue – I just can’t pick one!!!

Who am I kidding? I have twenty stories I’m in the process of writing…

And, if I know myself like I think I do – I’ll try to write something for all of them.


Maybe, I’ll post some excerpts or even chapters on here.

That sounds like an idea.

~ your lazy writer.

Getting rid of ‘Listen’

If you’re one of the lovelies who reads my writing, you should already know that I’m writing a novel called ‘Listen’.

If you’re a ‘Listener’ then you are probably worried about me saying that I’m getting rid of ‘Listen’, and I’m sorry to scare you!

But don’t worry, lovelies, I’m not getting rid of my hard work! Nooooope! I’m simply changing the name, and thus getting rid of ‘Listen’.

I hope I didn’t scare anyone out of their socks at first!

Until next time, lovelies!

A Status Update!

Hello, lovelies!

You’re never going to guess what I’m currently doing!

I’m currently eating cheese curls and getting cheese stuff all over the keyboard.

It’s a mess – a powdery, orange, mess.

Why did my mind even tell me this was a good idea?!

The first scribble!

Huzzah! This is the first of the Mohicans! (Get it? Instead of ‘Last of the Mohicans’ because it’s the first…I’m bad at this, aren’t I?)

Rather than making a ‘blog’ (because ‘blogs are for ‘normal people’)I made a ‘scribble pad’ (because ‘scribble pads’ are for oddballs such as me!) where I’ll put random things –  such as story blurbs, thoughts. All of the creativity and weirdness – in one condensed(-ish) location!

I’m feeling awkward typing this – because I’m not ‘live’ and talking with someone, nor am I writing dialogue between two fake people that speak to me in my mind.

That probably sounded odd to you. If it didn’t – that’s good. If it did sound odd, that I have people talking to me in my mind – well, I have a feeling that some other things I put on here will be even more odd than that, so be prepared.

So, because I have nowhere to really go with this, I’ll cut it short to save me from further embarrassment, and you from further rambling.