

So, have you ever had the urge to stalk someone on social media?

If so, today is your lucky day (providing that it is me who you would like to stalk).

If you want to see what I spend most of my free time doing, hop on tumblr and give me a follow (http://abysmallee.tumblr.com/).

On there, you’ll find a whole pile of things that I think are funny – but probably aren’t. You’ll also see the occasional social update or rant!

Happy tumblr-ing!

(‘tumblr-ing’ is a thing…right?)

Re-finding things.

So, for the past almost-year I’ve managed to completely forget that I created a website. I can’t help but feel horrible – as this is no way to raise a proper website. Hopefully, I’ll be more active on here.

I really hope I learn to use this site to the best of my ability. As of now, though, I’m kind of just flying by the seat of my pants, while holding on to a cup of hot chocolate for dear life! Always been kind of a pantser – despite my ever-growing anxiety. You’d think that with an abundance of anxiety I’d be less likely to fly by the seat and more likely to plan…but I guess not.

Well, I guess that’s all….


Write you later!