Getting rid of ‘Listen’

If you’re one of the lovelies who reads my writing, you should already know that I’m writing a novel called ‘Listen’.

If you’re a ‘Listener’ then you are probably worried about me saying that I’m getting rid of ‘Listen’, and I’m sorry to scare you!

But don’t worry, lovelies, I’m not getting rid of my hard work! Nooooope! I’m simply changing the name, and thus getting rid of ‘Listen’.

I hope I didn’t scare anyone out of their socks at first!

Until next time, lovelies!

A Status Update!

Hello, lovelies!

You’re never going to guess what I’m currently doing!

I’m currently eating cheese curls and getting cheese stuff all over the keyboard.

It’s a mess – a powdery, orange, mess.

Why did my mind even tell me this was a good idea?!

The first scribble!

Huzzah! This is the first of the Mohicans! (Get it? Instead of ‘Last of the Mohicans’ because it’s the first…I’m bad at this, aren’t I?)

Rather than making a ‘blog’ (because ‘blogs are for ‘normal people’)I made a ‘scribble pad’ (because ‘scribble pads’ are for oddballs such as me!) where I’ll put random things –  such as story blurbs, thoughts. All of the creativity and weirdness – in one condensed(-ish) location!

I’m feeling awkward typing this – because I’m not ‘live’ and talking with someone, nor am I writing dialogue between two fake people that speak to me in my mind.

That probably sounded odd to you. If it didn’t – that’s good. If it did sound odd, that I have people talking to me in my mind – well, I have a feeling that some other things I put on here will be even more odd than that, so be prepared.

So, because I have nowhere to really go with this, I’ll cut it short to save me from further embarrassment, and you from further rambling.